12 Months, 12 New Habits: Building One New Habit A Month

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Looking to build new habits? In the pursuit of personal growth and productivity, adopting new habits can be a powerful catalyst for positive change. 

Sometimes when we are feeling inspired, we come up with a huge list of habits we want to implement. In my experience, when I’ve tried implementing multiple habits at the same time, I end up just failing in all of them which can be discouraging.

I have found that a much better approach is to introduce one habit at a time or more specifically one new habit a month. After all, research shows that it takes a minimum of 21 days and on average 66 days to form a new habit. This means that if you add one new habit each month, you will have to focus on only 2 habits at all times – the one you added this month and the one you added the previous month. This is a lot easier for our brains than trying to adopt 12 habits today. 

In this article, we will explore the benefits of this cadence and I’ll share the habits that I have decided to implement in the next 12 months. 

The Power of One New Habit a Month

Implementing a new habit every month offers several advantages. It allows for a manageable pace of change, reducing the likelihood of feeling overwhelmed. This gradual approach promotes habit sustainability, as it gives each behavior the time it needs to become ingrained in your routine. Additionally, focusing on a single habit at a time increases the likelihood of success, as you can direct your energy and attention toward mastering one aspect of your life before moving on to the next.

My Experience Establishing Habits

I became more interested in building habits after reading Atomic Habits by James Clear – a life changer that I’d recommend to anyone. Since then I have adopted multiple habits using this gradual approach. These habits include regular exercise, maintaining a consistent bedtime, following skincare routines, wearing sunscreen, staying hydrated, taking vitamins, and ensuring a daily intake of vegetables with every meal. One habit may not seem like a lot but the compound effect they have had in my life is incredible. As you can see, most of these habits are focused on health, so at this point in my life, I want to focus on adding habits related to productivity and self-improvement. 

My 12-Month Habit Implementation Plan

You can see this as a challenge and come up with your own 12 habits to implement in the next 12 months. I’m going to be sharing the 12 habits I want to introduce in the next 12 months. Maybe you get some ideas from here or check out a longer list of good habits ideas to get inspired.  

Month 1: Journaling

I have been journaling for about a year now but I don’t have a consistent habit around it yet. I just do it when I have some extra time in the mornings. For the first month of this habit challenge, I want to make journaling a consistent part of my morning routine. I have found that it helps me kickstart my day with clarity and I want to make it a daily habit.

Month 2: Kanban Board Utilization

I had tried so many productivity techniques in the past but I felt like I was still missing something to optimize my workflow. Recently, I built a Kanban board for both work and personal tasks. If you are not familiar with Kanban boards, it is a technique used in project management to keep track of “to do” tasks. Basically, you have a digital or physical board with 3 sections: To Do, In Progress and Completed. Then, you list all your tasks and start moving them from one section to the next one as you work on them. This Kanban board is helping me but I need to make it a habit to update it every day.

Month 3: Weekly Goal Tracking

I like to keep a spreadsheet with a list of my goals and milestones and metrics for each goal. Now, remembering to update this spreadsheet and track my progress is a whole different challenge. I have probably been doin it once a quarter. I want to stay on top of my goals by conducting a weekly review of my progress and adjusting my strategy as needed.

Month 4: Reading Cadence 

I have been trying to make reading part of my evening wind down routine for a while but I haven’t been very consistent. In month 4, I want to elevate my reading habit by dedicating 30 minutes daily, in the evenings, to read. This is going to help me support my goal of reading 1 book per week.

Month 5: Daily Learning Block 

Even though I love learning new things, I haven’t dedicated the time to gain new knowledge since I finished grad school. One of my short term life goals is to learn new skills including French and data science.  In month 5, I want to create a habit around dedicating 1-2 hours daily to learning something new or taking a course, fostering continuous personal and professional development.

Month 6: Closing Shift

Have you seen these viral TikTok videos about the closing shift concept? I have always struggled with keeping my apartment organized and this closing shift technique may be just what I need. The idea is to spend a few minutes at the end of the day cleaning and resetting your environment, so that you can start fresh tomorrow. Definitely, a really cool idea that I want to make a habit of.  

Month 7: Daily Budget Update

I’ve been using a budget for a couple of years now, but I still only remember to update it a couple of times a month. As a result, it usually takes me at least an hour each time to work on my budget and I think it should be a much more seamless experience. I want to start spending less than 5 minutes every day adding new expenses to my budget, avoiding the stress and time commitment of a weekly or monthly expense roundup.

Month 8: Daily Outfit Pic

I have been working on downsizing my closet after 2-3 years of hoarding clothes due to my online shopping problem. Now that I have more control over my spending and even have some successful no-buy months, I’m working on getting rid of some clothes and building a more curated closet. I want to start documenting my outfits to help me rediscover my personal style and have a better idea of what I really like wearing instead of just following trends. 

Month 9: Post-Workout Stretching

I want to enhance my flexibility and recovery by incorporating a stretching routine after each workout. Working out is already an established habit for me, so it should be relatively easy to stack a new habit on top of it. 

Month 10: Stay Informed

I don’t have a system in place to keep up with industry trends or just global news in general. I get information sporadically from different sources such as X (Twitter), TikTok and Reddit. I want to start a habit around cultivating industry awareness by reading or listening to relevant news in the morning, staying informed about trends and developments.

Month 11: Meditation

I just started meditating a few months ago and it has been hard to follow up on my promise to myself and actually meditate when I plan to do so. I think it’s partially because it’s a bigger time commitment than just journaling for example and I also need to be in the right  mindset. In month 11, I want to focus on building a meditation habit even if it is only a couple of times per week.

Month 12: 10k Steps a Day

Finally, I want to introduce more movement into my daily routine (outside of the gym). My goal is to get at least 10,000 steps daily, whether through walks or treadmill sessions. To get there, I want to create a habit around going on walks after lunch and dinner and spending some time using my standing desk while walking on the treadmill. 

Final Thoughts

Embarking on a year-long journey of habit adoption is a powerful way to transform your life gradually. By embracing a one new habit a month, you can cultivate a holistic approach to self-improvement, achieving sustainable results and unlocking your full potential. Commit to the process, celebrate small victories, and witness the profound impact these intentional habits can have on your overall well-being and success.

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