My 8 Fitness Goals for 2024

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As we set goals for the upcoming year, of course, we cannot forget about our fitness goals. In this article, I will share my fitness goals for 2024 as a way to keep myself accountable and also inspire you to think about your own goals in your fitness journey. 

I’ve crafted a list of aspirations that mix ambition with feasibility. From lifting heavier weights to perfecting a pull-up, embracing flexibility, and conquering new terrains, 2024 promises to be a year of breakthroughs and resilience. 

1. Run a mile in under 6:20 minutes

This year I hit my best mile time ever at 6:45 minutes. If you are a runner, you probably know how challenging it is to drop your time by just a few seconds. Therefore, in 2024 I want to be able to run a mile in just under 6:20 minutes. This means I have to run at a constant speed of 9.5 mph which I think is feasible with a little more training. 

2. Squat and deadlift 185 lbs

During the 2020 lock down period I got really into strength training and it really changed my life. Now, more than 3 years later I am still working on getting stronger each day. For 2023 my goal was to squats and deadlift 150 lbs, which I was able to accomplish!  It may not sound like a lot for some people but I’m a very small person. I think a goal of 185 lbs is ambitious enough for the following year but also achievable. 

3. Do 5 pull ups in a row

This year I was able to do my first pull up! But I can still only do one. I think I underestimated how hard it is for women to be able to do a proper pull up. It really takes a lot of training. My new goal is to be able to do 5.

4. Be able to do the splits

In 2024, I want to focus more on flexibility, which I neglected during the current year. My commitment is to take some time to stretch after every workout session. Overtime, I want to work towards being able to do the split again! The last time I was able to do them was when I was 16.

5. Get 10k steps everyday

I have a full time corporate job and I also spend time everyday managing my multiple side hustles. Even though I have a consistent exercise routine, I want to introduce more movement into my everyday life. My goal is to get 10k steps a day which is approximately 5 miles. Luckily, I live walking distance from my office, so I can get some steps on my way there and back. Of course, this is not enough, so I have also decided to go on a 15 minute walk post lunch and post dinner. On days when I don’t go to the office (we have a hybrid model), I plan to get some extra steps in using my under desk walking pad that I just bought during Black Friday. 

6. Take dance classes at least once a week

I love dancing but I haven’t made time to take classes lately. There is a new dance studio opening near my place, so I want to start taking dance classes weekly again. I find that it is great for my overall flexibility and mental health. 

7. Run a 10k in under 44 minutes

This year I had my best time ever in a 10k race. I finished the 10k in 47 minutes. I know this is already pretty good for the average runner, but I want to set a new PR next time. Why am I shooting for 44 minutes? Well, a 10k is a little over 6 miles, so improving my total time by 3 minutes means that I should be running each mile 30 seconds faster. When I see this goal as a per mile time goal, it seems more achievable. 

8. Get better at skiing 

I started skiing a couple of years ago, after I moved to Seattle and found out that there are only a few fun activities to do during the winter. I have been going 3 or 4 times each season which is not enough to actually get good at it. I can say I’m able to comfortably do the green runs but my goal is to be able to feel more confident going down the blue ones. I’m making it a goal to at least try to go more often this winter.

I hope that these goals have inspired you to set your own. If you need more inspiration, check out my article with 20 fitness goals ideas

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