Life Reset Checklist: How To Do A Life Reset Focused on 7 Aspects of Your Life

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Ever felt like life is running on autopilot, and you’re just cruising along without much direction or joy? It happens to the best of us. But guess what? You have the power to hit the reset button and craft a life that truly reflects who you are and where you want to go. 

I love working on a life reset every year right before the new year. However, you can follow this process at any time in your life when you feel like you need to pause and restart fresh. Major life events like graduation, a new job or losing a job are great opportunities to take the time to execute a life reset too.

In this article, I’ll share the different facets of life I like to focus on as part of a life reset, from physical spaces to mindset. I have put everything together in a life reset checklist you can use as a roadmap.

So, are you ready to shake things up, let go of what’s holding you back, and embrace the opportunity for a fresh start? Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the art of resetting your life—a comprehensive guide to revitalize your world and set the stage for a happier, more fulfilling you. Let’s get started on this adventure together!

1.Environment Reset

Your environment plays a huge role in shaping your habits and overall well-being. A change in your environment also generates that feeling of excitement and anticipation. Remember when, as a kid,  you used to change the position of your bed or your furniture and you were suddenly a different person? I still get that feeling as an adult every time I switch things up. 

You can recreate that invigorating feeling by rearranging your bedroom or apartment layout, coupled with a thorough decluttering session. Clutter can really get in the way when you are trying to improve your mindset or habits, which is why I have been so focused on keeping a clutter free environment. A clear and organized space truly makes a world of difference. Here are some activities I would focus on as part of an environment reset. You will find all of these in the life reset checklist at the end of the article.

  1. Declutter your closet
  2. Organize your work area
  3. Declutter your documents
  4. Create a meditation corner
  5. Improve the lighting in your home
  6. Rearrange the furniture and bed
  7. Organize your makeup and skincare
  8. Upgrade bedding and linens
  9. Upgrade journaling supplies
  10. Do laundry and fold your clothes
  11. Declutter your pantry
  12. Set up all smart devices 
  13. Clean up and declutter the fridge
  14. Clean up and declutter the pantry

2.Digital Reset

We can’t overlook the impact of our digital spaces alongside our physical surroundings. In this age of constant connectivity through phones, laptops, and tablets, the way we configure our online domains is just as crucial as decluttering our homes. 

Resetting your digital space doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. Start with simple actions like organizing your apps, decluttering your laptop files, and organizing photos. It’s like tidying up your virtual home.

Also, think about how your digital environment can help support your goals. For example, one of the steps I am taking as part of my most recent life reset is to delete all shopping apps from my phone to support my no-buy month challenge. 

Follow these steps for a digital reset. Of course, you can add any other steps you think could be useful to the life reset checklist.

  1. Clean up your email inbox
  2. Declutter files in your laptop
  3. Declutter your desktop
  4. Declutter your Google Drive and/or Dropbox
  5. Delete apps you don’t use
  6. Clean up browser bookmarks
  7. Update passwords
  8. Unsubscribe from unused email distribution lists
  9. Organize your photos and videos
  10. Review digital subscriptions

3.Mindset Reset

A mindset reset is the core of any life reset. Afterall, if we want a change in our lives, we need to start by changing the way we think about it. The way we think about ourselves determines our everyday actions and decisions. So, if you’re trying to have a more productive life, it’s time to embody the mindset of a go-getter. Want to be financially free? Embrace an abundance mindset. Me? I consider myself a life explorer and I’m working on my financial freedom journey, so my mindset reset is going to be about embracing a growth and abundance mindset 

While you can probably spend one day working on your environment or digital reset, a mindset reset is going to be a long term process.These are the steps I like to follow for a mindset reset.

  1. Complete a meditation
  2. Create a meditation schedule
  3. Set clear and positive intentions for this new era of your life
  4. Create a vision board
  5. Make your vision board visible. I like to make it my desktop background.
  6. Establish a journaling habit
  7. Make time to practice gratitude daily
  8. Cultivate a growth mindset
  9. Work on your abundance mindset

4.Routine Reset

It’s time to focus on the rhythm of your everyday life—your routines. I love my routines, they help me give more structure and direction to my day. However, when you have been following a routine for too long, you may start to feel like your days lack spontaneity. Also, our goals are evolving all the time and new goals often require new habits and routines. 

As part of the routine reset, you can evaluate your current routines and determine if they are still aligned with your current goals to make any adjustments. Then, make a list of new habits you would want to adopt and see how you can incorporate these in your routines. Follow these steps for a routine reset.

  1. Reflect on your current routines
  2. Eliminate steps in your routine that don’t align with your goals
  3. Make a list of new habits you want to incorporate
  4. Decide where in your routine you can add these new habits
  5. Establish a morning routine.
  6. Design an evening wind-down routine
  7. Define breaks and micro-routines like a post-lunch walk.
  8. Create a Sunday self-care routine 
  9. Make a list of activities to try when you want to break routine like a new cafe to work from.

5. Personal Image Reset

Maybe a makeover is what comes to mind when you think about a personal image reset. But there are many ways in which you can reset and upgrade your personal image that don’t involve getting a brand new hair color – of course you can do this too if you want. 

Your personal image is not just about appearance; it’s a reflection of your identity, values, and how you want to be perceived. In this personal image reset, we’ll explore actions that go beyond the surface to reveal the authentic and empowered version of yourself.

  1. Define the style you want to embody in this new era 
  2. Find outfit formulas that you love and that are aligned with the style you want to have. 
  3. Choose your signature accessories
  4. Choose a new signature perfume
  5. Find an everyday makeup look that you like
  6. Update your hairstyle, haircut or even hair color
  7. Practice poses for pictures that flatter your body type
  8. Work on your posture
  9. Do your nails and apply a face mask. You can DIY it or go to a salon.
  10. Make sure to smile and make eye contact when you talk to people

6. Health Reset

Now, let’s focus on a pivotal aspect of our well-being—our physical health. The health and fitness reset is not about adhering to unrealistic standards but about fostering a balanced and sustainable lifestyle that nourishes both body and mind.

First, we can focus on physical health. Reflect on your current exercise routine and your eating habits. Maybe you could update your workout routine or start eating more vegetables. Sleep and hydration are equally important for your physical health, so you could work on habits to stay hydrated and have a consistent sleep schedule. 

Mental health is also crucial for your overall health and here I like to focus on work life stress management techniques and relaxing activities. 

  1. Set realistic health goals
  2. Go to the doctor for your annual check-up (if you have not done that already)
  3. Update your workout routine (or create one) 
  4. Define nutrition rules to follow. E.g. eat 3 servings of vegetables a day or no sugar on weekdays.
  5. Get a giant water bottle and start using it everyday
  6. Define a sleep schedule that allows for at least 7 hours of sleep
  7. Reflect on your current work-life balance
  8. Introduce relaxing activities throughout your day like going for a walk in between meetings.
  9. Take on a creative hobby like painting or dancing

7. Financial Reset

Our journey of transformation wouldn’t be complete without shining a spotlight on a fundamental aspect of our lives—our financial well-being. The financial reset is about establishing a healthy relationship with money, building good financial habits, and ultimately reaching financial freedom.

I recommend starting this financial reset by assessing your current financial situation. This is going to be the hardest part of the reset because it involves looking at all your assets and liabilities to clearly understand your starting point. From there, you can start working on setting goals and building habits to help you reach said goals. These are the steps I like to follow as part of a financial reset.

  1. Look at all assets and liabilities and understand your current financial situation
  2. Set short term and long term financial goals
  3. Check your credit score and make a plan to improve it
  4. Create a budget and start using it every month
  5. Make a plan to build an emergency fund 
  6. Reduce unnecessary expenses
  7. Make a debt repayment plan
  8. Review your retirement accounts and decide if you want to change your contributions
  9. Start investing or reassess your investment portfolio if you are already investing
  10. Make a list of personal finance books you want to read to continue your financial education.

Life Reset Checklist

I have put together all the activities for each rest in this life reset checklist. If you want to use just save it to your computer and print it.

Final Thoughts

By undertaking these resets in various aspects of your life, you’re not just initiating change; you’re crafting a symphony of transformation. Each step contributes to the harmony of your refreshed existence, resonating with the authentic and empowered version of yourself. So, let this be your guide to embracing a new chapter, where every note played is a step towards a happier, more fulfilling you. 

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