How to Build Good Habits and Stick to Them

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In this post, I will share practical advice on how to build good habits and actually stick to them. 

Habits have the power to shape your life for good or for bad. In my self-improvement journey, I have read multiple books and done additional research to understand the science behind habits. I have been building good habits for the past few years and some of them have literally changed my life for the best. Now, I’m excited to share 10 tips for building good habits that have guided me on my journey towards lasting change and that I hope can help you too.

1. Have Clear Goals

The first crucial step in the process of building good habits is to have clear goals. Without a well-defined destination, it’s challenging to stay motivated. Once you have a goal, you can define habits that you want to develop to reach your goal. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds in the next 6 months, now you can start listing habits you need to develop to make this happen. This could be working out for at least 30 minutes everyday, or not eating sugar on weekdays. 

2. Start Small and Be Specific

Don’t try to build 5 new habits at the same time. It is going to be a lot harder to succeed. Rather than attempting radical transformations, begin with 1 or 2 manageable and specific habits. This approach will make habit formation less daunting and more achievable.

3. Start with the Easier Habits

In my pursuit of building good habits, I realized that tackling easier habits first can build momentum. This concept aligns with the advice from habit experts like BJ Fogg, who suggests that beginning with simpler habits can pave the way for success in more challenging ones. Instead of trying to get into the habit of going to the gym for 1 hour everyday, start with working out at home for 15 everyday. 

4. Create a Cue-Based Plan

Cues can act as reminders and make it easier to execute habits consistently. For example, you can plan to work out for 15 minutes after you walk the dog in the morning. Or take your vitamins after having breakfast. Planning your habits around these different cues will help you design a systematic approach to habit formation. 

5. Set up Your Environment for Success

I learned from habit researchers that our environment plays a pivotal role in habit formation. To ensure success, adjust your surroundings to support desired habits. Simple changes like placing workout equipment in plain sight or stocking healthy snacks can make a significant difference.

6. Accountability and Tracking

Document your progress in journals or use habit-tracking spreadsheets or apps to stay on course.

7. Rewarding Yourself

Integrate the concept of rewards into your habit-building journey. Celebrating small wins by treating yourself to something special will reinforce the positive behavior associated with habits. For example, buy yourself that scarf you have been eyeing if you check all your habits for the week. 

8. Habit Stacking

I took this advice from James Clear’s Atomic Habits book. Habit stacking is similar to the idea of using cues but with the cue being another habit. This means planning a habit after another to build a routine. For example, you can say “I will read for 30 minutes at 10pm, right after that I will declutter for 10 minutes, then do my skincare routine, then go to bed”. Integrating new habits seamlessly into existing routines, makes them easier to remember and follow through on.

9. Get the Social Support You Need

Recognize the importance of social support. Seek out friends and communities that share your goals. Their encouragement and accountability can be invaluable in staying consistent. For example, if you are having trouble being consistent with the habit of reading for 30 minutes everyday, join a book club.

10. Be Patient and Adapt

Finally, building good habits is a journey, not a sprint. Embracing setbacks as opportunities to learn and adjusting your approach will allow you to stay on track in the long run.

In conclusion, building good habits and sticking to them is a transformative journey that requires dedication, a clear vision, and a systematic approach. By following these ten steps – having clear goals, starting small, beginning with easier habits, creating cue-based plans, optimizing your environment, using accountability and tracking, rewarding yourself, habit stacking, seeking social support, and practicing patience and adaptability – you can embark on a path of personal growth and positive change. Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress. Start today, and you’ll be amazed at the transformation your habits can bring to your life.

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