Pajamas to Power Suits: How to be Productive Working from Home

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If you are constantly working from home, you’re not alone in navigating the joys and challenges of this flexible setup. One of the key puzzles we all aim to solve is figuring out just how to be productive working from home. It’s a journey full of comfy attire, virtual meetings, and the occasional battle with procrastination. In this guide, we’re going to unravel the secrets to crafting a workspace where focus thrives, establishing routines that make every day a win, and embracing the tips and tricks to get more done when working from home. So, grab your favorite mug, settle into your cozy corner, and let’s dive into the art of making the most out of your work-from-home adventure!

1. Create an Optimal Workspace

Alright, let’s talk about setting up your fortress of productivity – your workspace! Remember, creating an optimal workspace is like laying the foundation for a skyscraper; the sturdier, the better.

First things first, find your spot! Dedicate a specific area for work – a desk, a cozy nook, or even a section of the kitchen table. This helps your brain distinguish between work mode and chill mode.

Remember you are going to spend many hours at your work area, so make it comfy! Invest in a good chair, add some cushions, and ensure your screen is at eye level. Your back will thank you later.

Also, keep organization in mind. A tidy space equals a tidy mind. Sort out those cables, get some organizers, and declutter your desk. When you know where everything is, you spend less time hunting and more time hustling. Here are some ideas to organize your home office

2. Prioritize self care in the morning

Your morning routine sets the tone for the day. Incorporating self-care rituals like journaling, meditation, or affirmations can work wonders on your mindset.

Ever notice how a good breakfast boosts your energy levels? Extend that energy infusion to your entire morning. Whether it’s a quick workout, a nutritious breakfast, or some yoga stretches, giving your body the attention it deserves jumpstarts your vitality for the day ahead.

I shared my own morning routine in a previous post. You can check it out here for some inspiration.

3.Establish a Consistent Routine

Set clear working hours. This helps your brain switch into work mode and signals the start and end of your daily grind.

Start your day with a specific task or routine. It could be a morning stretch, a cup of coffee, or a quick to-do list review. Breaks are very important for your mental health and productivity. Schedule breaks and lunchtime into your routine. Whether it’s a power snack or a stroll around your lair, these breaks recharge your mental batteries.

Remember the hustle and bustle of the office? While your home office might not have a water cooler, you can recreate that energy. Get up, get dressed, and approach your day with the same enthusiasm. It’s like bringing a bit of the office magic home.

4.Dress for Success

You might be thinking, “Do I really need to change out of my PJs when my office is just a few steps away?” Well, buckle up, because the way you dress and carry yourself can have a surprising impact on your productivity. 

It’s not about squeezing into a suit or squeezing into anything uncomfortable. The key here is to shift out of sleepwear mode. Throw on some decent clothes – it doesn’t have to be formal; just something that makes you feel ready to tackle the day.

You might be having virtual meetings in your living room, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look like you mean business. Comb your hair, make sure you’re well-lit, and maybe even consider a quick mirror check before that Zoom call. 

The act of getting dressed can be a powerful boundary-setter. When you change out of your sleepwear, it signals to your brain that it’s game time. You’re not just chilling at home; you’re here to conquer tasks and rock your workday.

5. Set Clear Goals and Prioritize Tasks

Take a few minutes at the start of your day to set clear goals. What do you want to achieve? Having a roadmap for your day gives you a sense of direction. Identify your high-priority items and tackle those first. Big tasks can be intimidating. Break them down into smaller, more manageable chunks. 

Setting goals is fantastic, but let’s keep it real. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day. Quality over quantity.

6. Effective Time Management Techniques

Ever feel like there are not enough hours in a day? Here are some of my favorite time management techniques, but there are a lot more where these came from

The Pomodoro Technique: Work like a champ for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute breather. Rinse and repeat. It’s like turning your workday into a series of mini victories. Before you know it, you’ve conquered the productivity game.

Power Hour: Dedicate a specific time each day to review and plan. 

Set Time Blocks: Break your day into blocks of focused work. Each block should be focused on a different theme or project, ensuring you give the right amount of attention to each task without burning out.

The Two-Minute Rule: If a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately. 

Eat That Frog: Tackle the biggest, ugliest task first. It’s like devouring the biggest frog on your plate before anything else. Once it’s done, the rest of the day feels like a breeze.

7. Minimize Distractions

Turn off unnecessary pings during your work hours. This includes phone notifications, social media and yes, emails. Well, don’t you need to read your email for work? Of course, but you should seriously consider dedicating specific times in the day for checking your email. You can learn more about this and other email management techniques here

It is also important to set boundaries if you live with other people. Communicate with your housemates or family. Let them know your work hours, and that when the office door (or makeshift cubicle) is closed, it’s focus time. 

You don’t need to stay away from social media the whole day. Schedule specific times for social media check-ins. It’s like giving yourself permission to enjoy a little online break without falling down the rabbit hole.

8. Take Regular Breaks and Stay Healthy

Let’s talk about something crucial – taking breaks and keeping that engine of yours, aka your body and mind, in top-notch condition. Here are some ideas to make sure you are taking care of your mind and body

Micro-Breaks Matter: Take micro-breaks. Stand up, stretch, maybe do a little dance. Nobody is watching you, right?

The 20-20-20 Rule: Your eyes deserve a break too. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. It’s like giving your eyes a spa day amidst the digital hustle.

Lunchtime is Sacred: Lunch is not just a pit stop; it’s a sacred ritual. Step away from your desk, savor your meal, and recharge. Think of it as a power-up for the rest of your day.

Hydration Station: Keep that water bottle filled and nearby. 

Mindfulness Breathing: Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Take a moment for mindfulness breathing. Inhale the positivity, exhale the stress. 

Healthy Snack Pit Stop: When the munchies attack, choose wisely. Snack on something healthy – nuts, fruits, or yogurt. 

Exercise: Whether it’s a quick workout or a yoga session, make time for exercise. It’s like unleashing your inner superhero, ready to tackle anything the workday throws at you.

9. Stay Connected with Colleagues

Even if you are an introvert like myself, we all need some social interaction with the people we work with. And this is harder to achieve when your work is fully remote. 

What about scheduling a virtual coffee catch-up with a coworker? It’s like recreating the watercooler magic but with a digital twist.

If you are missing the team spirit, you can suggest having a weekly team meeting on Mondays or Friday just to talk about what everyone did on the weekend or plans for the weekend. It can be super unstructured, as this is just a way to disconnect from the busy work day.

Also, remember that building connections at work is crucial for your career development. 

10. Experiment with Work Hours and Reflect

Are you a morning person or a night owl? Experiment with different start and finish times to see when you’re at your best. It’s like finding your own golden hour of productivity.

The beauty of working from home is the flexibility. Try flexing your work hours to match your natural energy rhythms. Notice when you’re in the zone – that power hour when tasks practically fly off your to-do list. Schedule your most important tasks during this magical time. 

After a week of experimenting, reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Did the 7 AM start make you a superhero or a zombie? Tweak your schedule based on what aligns with your natural flow.

Final Thoughts

As you implement these tips and tricks, don’t forget the essence of the journey – it’s not just about checking off tasks but about creating a fulfilling and balanced work-from-home experience. Embrace the flexibility, celebrate your wins, and keep evolving your approach.

Do you have any other techniques or secrets to increase productivity when working from home? Please, share them in the comments!

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