A Half-Year on Etsy: Sharing my Etsy Shop Results and Celebrating Milestones

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Welcome to my Etsy Shop Results post. In this series I’m sharing my Etsy shop progress every 3 months. I’m writing this article after my sixth month on Etsy. 

For the 3-month progress article, I focused on the process I followed from choosing a niche to launching my first product. In this 6-month progress check, I want to share strategies I have been testing to keep growing my store.

Recap of Previous Etsy Shop Results (3 Months)

At the 3-month mark, my Etsy shop had recorded 41 sales and $108 in revenue, with a significant portion of this coming from July sales. I spent the first 3-months creating new products, experimenting with pricing and optimizing my SEO.

The 6-month results

As of October 31st, exactly the 6 month mark, I have made 152 sales and $662.37 in revenue. What I’m more excited about is that my revenue doubled in October compared to the previous month and it is still going in an upward trend.


Strategies Implemented in Months 4 to 6

Etsy Ads: A Learning Experience

One of the key strategies I experimented with during months 4 to 6 was Etsy Ads. I tested various approaches, such as running ads only for higher-priced products and those with a high conversion rate. However, I encountered a common challenge: the conversion rate from Etsy Ads traffic was consistently lower compared to organic traffic. In fact, when comparing ad spend to ad revenue, I found that I was barely breaking even. While I’m sure there’s potential to optimize my use of ads, I decided to temporarily shift my focus to other strategies that yielded more promising results

Main Takeaway: The effectiveness of Etsy Ads varies, and it’s crucial to continually assess and adjust your ad strategy to ensure a positive ROI.

Pinterest Marketing: A Growing Traffic Source

In the initial three months on Etsy, I gave TikTok a shot to boost my shop’s visibility. Although it did result in a few sales, I discovered a limitation with TikTok—the need for consistent daily posting, as the traffic usually peaked within the first 24 hours after a video’s release. Wanting a more sustainable approach, I turned to Pinterest. While it’s known for taking longer to show results, after consistent pinning for a couple of weeks, I began to witness daily traffic coming to my Etsy store from Pinterest. What’s more, some of these visits even converted into sales, affirming the potential of Pinterest as a valuable marketing channel.

Main Takeaway: Pinterest offers long-term traffic benefits, and consistency in pinning can gradually build a reliable stream of visitors to your Etsy store.

Higher Price Items: Boosting Revenue

During months 4 to 6, I didn’t launch as many new products, but I strategically shifted my focus towards creating higher-priced items. This shift in product strategy contributed to the increased revenue observed in October. While high-ticket items may not move as quickly in terms of units sold, each sale of these items significantly bolsters the overall performance of my store.

Main Takeaway: Offering higher-priced items can be a revenue-boosting strategy, even if they sell in lower quantities.

Sales and Discounts: Price Elasticity Matters

One strategy that has remained a constant in my Etsy journey is the practice of running sales almost continuously. However, I’ve refined my approach to this strategy. In the past, I applied discounts across my entire store, but over time, I learned to exclude specific items that I knew could sell successfully without a discount. It did require some trial and error to determine the price elasticity for each item, but with more data in hand, I now possess a clear understanding of which products should be excluded from sales, ensuring that my discounts are not eroding potential profit.

Main Takeaway: Tailoring discounts to specific items based on price elasticity can help maximize profits while maintaining competitiveness.

Next Steps: Getting Ready for the Holiday Season and What’s in Store for 2024

The Holiday Season: Full of Excitement

With the holiday season just around the corner, I can hardly contain my excitement! It’s that magical time when Etsy sellers often see a surge in demand, and I’ve been busily getting ready to make the most of it. I’ve been crafting special products perfect for the season, making sure my shop is stocked with all things festive and delightful. What’s more, I’ve been working on my Pinterest marketing strategy because I believe it can be a real game-changer in driving holiday traffic to my Etsy store. All the groundwork is laid, and I can’t wait to dive into the joy and hustle of the holiday season.

The New Year: Dreaming Big for 2024

As we approach the end of the year, I find myself thinking about what’s in store for my Etsy shop. It’s a time for reflection and dreaming big, and I’ll be setting my sights on what I hope to achieve in 2024. When I started this Etsy adventure, my goal was to reach a monthly revenue of $2,000. I’m still on my way there, and though I’ve covered just a small fraction of the journey, I truly believe it’s attainable. The success I’ve experienced in these first 6 months has shown me the potential of my shop, and I’m ready to take it to the next level in the coming year. As we say goodbye to 2023 and usher in 2024, I’m thrilled to set new goals, explore fresh opportunities, and continue growing my Etsy shop.

In just six months, my Etsy shop has witnessed remarkable growth and invaluable lessons. From the initial steps to the first sales, it’s been a journey of persistence, creativity, and possibilities. Challenges have made me wiser, and successes have fueled my determination.

As we look forward to the holiday season and the New Year, I’m excited to embrace the opportunities ahead. Thank you for being part of this journey, and let’s explore the exciting chapters yet to come together. See you in the next update!

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