100 Good Habits To Track: Ideas For Your Habit Tracker 

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If you are in this article, you probably already know how adopting good habits can be a game-changer and are looking for new habits to track. I have been very invested in building good habits since I read Atomic Habits by James Clear. When I first started to add good habits in my life, it was pretty clear where to start: exercising, drinking more water, going to bed by 11pm. Now, I can proudly say all of these habits are naturally part of my day to day life.

But if, like me, you have a continuous improvement mindset, you are probably looking for new good habits to adopt, and that’s great! I know sometimes we may need a little inspiration to see what habits we want in our lives. For example, I saw the concept of a closing shift on TikTok the other day and this is definitely one of the habits I want to implement in the next few months. 

In this article, I have put together a list of 100 ideas of habit to track. I have tried to touch on all the types of habits, so there is going to be something for everybody, no matter where you are in your personal development journey. Are you ready to unleash the power of habits and embrace the positive changes they bring?  Let’s get into it.

100 Habits To Track

Health Habits

  1. Ensure 7-8 hours of sleep 
  2. Drink 2 liters of water per day
  3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes daily
  4. Hydrate first thing in the morning
  5. Eat a healthy breakfast
  6. 3 serving of vegetables daily 
  7. 10k daily steps
  8. Practice snack portion control
  9. Take your vitamins everyday
  10. Get sunlight early in the morning
  11. Limit caffeine intake
  12. Practice stretching
  13. Go for a walk after lunch/dinner
  14. Drink a protein shake
  15. Start fasting at 8pm (or whatever time work for you)
  16. Avoid processed sugar and eat fruits instead
  17. Track your macros 

Fitness Habits

  1. Weight lifting 5 times a week 
  2. At least 20 minutes of daily cardio 
  3. 10 push ups per day
  4. Practice your pull up (or any skill you are working on)
  5. Be at the gym at a certain time everyday
  6. Choose your workout outfit the night before

Self-Care and Personal Image Habits

  1. Follow a skincare routine 
  2. Use sunscreen everyday
  3. Wear perfume
  4. Do your hair 
  5. Floss 
  6. Remove makeup 
  7. Wind down before bed
  8. Quality alone time
  9. Add collagen to your morning coffee (or other drink)
  10. Do your make up everyday (even if you work from home)
  11. Scheduled digital detox time
  12. Practice good posture

See here for more self-care ideas.

Productivity Habits

  1. Set daily goals in the morning or night before
  2. Check your email at specific times only
  3. Use a to-do list or a Kanban board
  4. Put your phone faced down when you are working/studying
  5. Do focus work for 1 hour then go for walk, repeat
  6. Time block your calendar in the mornings
  7. Take short breaks throughout the day
  8. Use the brain dump method

Organization Habits

  1. Make your bed
  2. Declutter daily for 15 minutes 
  3. Choose your outfit the night before
  4. Put clothes back in hangers or laundry basket after you wear them
  5. Practice the closing shift trend
  6. Water your plants (if you have some)
  7. Clean the kitchen after cooking
  8. Keep your keys in the same place
  9. Turn the lights off when you leave home

Personal Development Habits

  1. Read daily for 30 minutes (or more)
  2. Listen to podcasts
  3. Dedicate time to learn a new skill
  4. Journaling
  5. Practice mindful eating during one meal
  6. Do something new everyday 
  7. Schedule time to inform yourself about relevant world events
  8. Speak up during work meetings
  9. Write down what you learned today

Mindset Habits

  1. Practice positive affirmations as soon as you wake up
  2. Cultivate a gratitude journal
  3. Focus on solutions, not problems
  4. Visualize success in the mornings
  5. Try meditation
  6. Let go of perfectionism
  7. Practice stress management

Financial Habits

  1. Create and use a budget
  2. Save a percentage of income
  3. Track savings by category
  4. Track expenses daily
  5. Invest monthly
  6. Avoid impulse buying
  7. Put money into retirement monthly
  8. Track all your business/side hustle expenses (for tax season)
  9. Keep a wish list 
  10. Learn something new about personal finances or investing

See here for tips to save money faster.

Social and Relationships Habits

  1. Text a friend or relative
  2. Post to social media (just for fun)
  3. Initiate a conversation
  4. Remember names
  5. Work on networking skills
  6. Express gratitude to loved ones
  7. Schedule quality time
  8. Give someone a compliment

Side Hustle Habits

  1. Work on your side hustle x hours a day 
  2. Set weekly goals for your side hustle
  3. Review metrics daily
  4. Learn a new skill that can make you money
  5. Block time in your day to start a new side hustle
  6. Create content for your business 
  7. Check business/side hustle emails in the morning

See here for tips to manage multiple side hustles.

Creativity and Hobbies

  1. Engage in creative writing
  2. Draw or paint daily
  3. Learn a musical instrument
  4. Try a new recipe
  5. Play with the dog
  6. Practice dancing
  7. Work on a DIY project

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